Managing encryption

If you subscribed to a community that requires private encryption keys, then you were prompted to create a set of encryption keys that provide security for exchanging files. If you did not back up the keys when you created them, then you should back up this set of keys from the User Settings page.

  1. Click the arrow next to your name in the upper-right corner of the screen and select User Settings.
  2. Click the Backup Encryption Keys button in the Security area.
  3. Click the OK button in the Key Registration window.
  4. When the process is complete, click the OK button.
    If your encryption keys are lost or damaged, an error message pop-up window displays. If you have backed up your encryption keys, click the Restore Encryption Keys button and specify the location where you backed up the keys. If you do not have a backup, click the Create Encryption Keys button to generate a new set of keys.
    Note: If you generate a new set of encryption keys, you will not be able to download files that were already sent to you, and you will not be able to cancel previous transactions for files you sent.