Receiving files

You can receive files from your contacts.

If you use a browser that no longer supports Java, such as Microsoft Edge, Chrome version 42 and later, and Firefox version 52 and later, you must use Java Web Start (JWS) to initiate the file transfer. JWS is an alternative to using Rocket Software TRUexchange directly in your browser with a Java Applet. JWS is not embedded in your browser, and runs as a local Java application.
  1. From the navigation bar, click Inbox to view all the transactions that have been sent to you.
  2. Click on a transaction in the inbox to display the files it contains and other transaction information.
  3. If your browser supports Java, to download files, take one of the following actions:
    • To download a single file, click its file name.
    • To download all files at once, click on the Download All Files button for that transaction.
    • To download all files for multiple transactions, select the desired transactions in the inbox and click the Download button at the top of the inbox.
    1. If your browser does not support Java, the start of the download is not automated. You can initiate the download with Java Web Start (JWS). Click one of the available Download buttons to launch JWS.
    • If you use Firefox and your download directory is not setup, or the setting to always ask where you want to save files is selected, a save-file alert is displayed. Select Open with Java™ Web Start Launcher, and click OK. When the Java dialog launches, click Run.
    • If you use Chrome and the download directory is not setup, or the setting to ask where to save each file before downloading is selected, a save-file alert is displayed. In this case, you must save the file and then additionally click the file icon to start the application in the bottom-left corner of the browser.
    • If you use Chrome and the download directory is setup and the setting to ask where to save each file before downloading is not selected, then the save-file alert is not displayed. In the bottom-left corner of the browser you need to click the Keep button. Then click on the file icon in the bottom-left corner of the browser to initiate the application. When the Java dialog launches, click Run.
  4. In the File download window click the Save All To button.
  5. In the Select a directory to save files into window, navigate to the desired directory and click the Save button to start the download.
    The Downloading files window shows the progress of the operation.
    Note: You can click the Pause button to suspend the operation, then click the Resume button to continue the download.